Monday, April 24, 2006

87% of the world to go

I have visited these countries, but it kinda looks like nothing... When one puts it in a global perspective... Hmmmm Must go travelling more

create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands

word of the day

Sometimes there are some words, some writers name, some title and some paragraph from a book that deserves to be shared.

rebarbative \ree-BAR-buh-tiv\, adjective:Serving or tending to irritate or repel.

Example from use in litterature:

Over the past couple of hours a lot of rebarbative, ulcerated and embittered people had been working hard at bedding their resentments down in sensory-deprivation tanks full of alcohol.

Will Self, The Sweet Smell of Psychosis

Sunday, April 23, 2006

short attention span

Rachel Naomi Remen:

The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention…. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ja visst gör det ondt när knoppar brister.
Varför skulle annars våren tveka?
Varför skulle all vår heta längtan
bindas i det frusna bitterbleka?
Höljet var ju knoppen hela vintern.
Vad är det för nytt, som tär och spränger?
Ja visst gör det ont när knoppar brister,
ont för det som växer och det som stänger.
nog är det svårt när droppar faller.

Skälvande av ängslan tungt de hänger,
klamrar sig vid kvisten, sväller, glider -
tyngden drar dem neråt, hur de klänger.
Svårt at vara ovuss, rädd och delad,
svårt at känna djupet dra och kalla,
ändå sitta kvar och bara darra -
svårt at vilja stanna och vilja falla.

Då, när det är värst och inget hjälper,
brister som i jubel trädets knoppar,
då, när ingen rädsle längre håller,

glömmer at de skrämdes av det nya,

glömmer at de ängslades för färden -
känner en sekund sin största trygghet,
vilar i den tillit som skapar världen."
An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere, while the pessimist sees only the red stoplight. The truly wise person is colorblind.

Albert Schweitzer

Me and Albert Schweitzer

INFP - The Healer

Your Type is 40% Extroverted, 0% Observant, 37% Logical and 18% Structured

You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than observant, you are more feeling based than thinking based, and you prefer to go with the flow rather than having a plan. Your type can best be summarized by the word "Healer", which belongs to the larger group of idealists. You have a capacity for caring that is deeper than most. You strive for unity, are fascinated by the battles between goo
d and evil, and can be something of an idealist. Only 1% of the population shares your type.
As a romantic partner, you are usually supprtive and nuturing, however, you have a high need for individuality. Harmony is extremely important to you as you are very affected by conflict and tension, which also makes you resist confronting your partner directly about problems. When you get angry, you usually blame yourself, rather than your partner. You can also be stubborn and unyielding when you feel you are being criticized or mistreated. You feel the most appreciated when your partner listens to you carefully. You need to be understood. You need to hear your partner express their feelings, the more often, the better.

I stole this test from Åsa's blog ;-)

Friday, April 21, 2006

Have a very weird day

Sometimes I feel I embody opposites that are impossible to embody. They come in two flash seconds after each other and I think I must have gone mad. Not even manio-depressive people change that fast. I feel this vast lump in my breast filled with empathy and sorrow for anyone, someone. It grows in me and makes me want to cry for every sad thing people experience, or help or be there or or... And a second later I feel so indifferent as if no pain exist anywhere at all. I feel no sympathy, will not give anything, be kind or gentle. The opposite of love is not hate it is indifference, and if someone hates you or you hate someone you there's still feelings there. But indifference makes you almost inhuman. I guess its playing defense somehow though. To relieve yourself from the intensity of hating and loving the mind goes in defense mode and triggers indifference.

I'm a person of words and rational thinking. Some people who know me would disagree with that. But I am. I feel alot, but I do not trust my feelings to guide me. That would screw me up, being thrown from love to hate to indifference within seconds. So I rationalise. Afterwards, during, and before I feel anything. Its necessary. And so stupid. It turns out I do not know feeling from logic anymore and that also feelings can have arguments they just create themselves, if they're strong enough. SOunds weird. Why do I need to be logical about feelings. Because I'm a person of words and rational thinking. ANd because I feel better about my feelings if I understand them through logic. So all in all I'm rational to be able to feel better. And i'm sad when I can't explain how I feel. And I can't explain why I go from extreme to extreme. And maybe thats it! I'm not actually sad because I go up and down, but because I can't explain, and therefore if I just skipped trying to explain it would not bother me?

I don't get it. hmmm, that means, I don't get me.

“Hold on, hold on to yourself, for this is gonna hurt like hell.”

You know you've got tothrow your body around
You say there ain't no way to scare you
Knock you down

Highwire routine is working for you
Ain't nothing there for you to hold on to
Highwire, so far to the end
So many chances to miss your step

If you stand up (all on your own)
If you fall down (always alone)

Hold On To Yourself baby
Cause no one else will

People gonna watchyour every move
You know there's always something therefor you to prove

Highwire so far to look down
No one to catch you when you hit the ground

If you stand up (all on your own)
If you fall down (always alone)

Hold On To Yourself baby
Cause no one else willI
If you stand up (all on your own)
If you fall down (always alone)
If you need help (nobody else)
Gotta hold on (all by yourself)

Watch your body,take a
Hold Of Yourself
You've gotta make it,'cause there's no one else

Keep your balance'til the end of the line
Gotta find a way to get it right
Hold On To Yourself baby
Cause no one else will

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Integrasjonsdebatten i Danmark...

Er det virkelig OK å protestere over at et hodeplagg kommer på TV? Er denne protesten virkelig forenelig med feminisme? Betyr frihet KUN frihet til å ta av seg tørklede ikke til å ta det på? Artikkelen er fra Politiken

DR holder fast i tv-vært med tørklæde

Kvinder for Frihed har afleveret knap 500 underskrifter i protest mod, at DR 2's muslimske vært Asmaa bærer tørklæde på skærmen. Protesterne ændrer intet.

Et tørklæde hører ikke hjemme på hovedet af en kvindelig, muslimsk tv-vært i Danmarks Radio.

Det mener Kvinder for Frihed, som har afleveret knap 500 underskrevne protester til DR's nyhedsredaktør Lisbeth Knudsen.

»En public service kanal skal ikke have en vært, der bærer religiøse symboler og slet ikke et religiøst påtvunget tørklæde, som symboliserer kønsdiskrimination og kvindeundertrykkelse. Vi er ikke efter Asmaa Abdol-Hamid som person, men som rollemodel. Vi håber, at DR tager protesterne til sig og vælger en anden vært - gerne en muslim, men uden tørklæde«, siger forkvinde for Kvinder for Frihed Vibeke Manniche til Ritzau.

DR står fast
Mandagens protester får ikke DR til at se sig om efter en ny kvindelig vært.

»Det gør altid indtryk at få protester, og jeg vil læse dem igennem i forhold til fremtidige debatprogrammer. Men underskrifterne ændrer ikke på det nuværende program, og vi skifter ikke værten ud. Hun er ikke valgt på grund af tørklædet, men fordi hun var den bedst egnede«, siger DR's nyhedsdirektør Lisbeth Knudsen.

You can only type ONE word.


1. Yourself: fragmented
2. Your Lover: away
3. Your Hair: surprising
4. Your Mother: stubborn
5. Your Father: paranoid
6. Your Favorite Item: laptop
7. Your Dream Last Night: full
8. Your Favorite Drink: freshly squeezed fruit juice (sorry, no one word for that)
9. Your Dream Home: brick
10. The Room You Are In: livingroom
11. Your Pet: none
12. Who You Are Now: changing
13. Who You Want to be in Ten Years: changing
14. What You Want to be in Ten Years: peaceful
15. What You're Not: blond
16. Your Best Friend: undecided
17. One of Your Wish list items: apartment
18. Your Gender: female
19. The Last Thing You Did: took the boat
20. What You Are Wearing: hooded sweater
21. Your Favorite Weather: sunset
22. Your Favorite Book: "Atonement"
23. The Last Thing You Ate: lemongum
24. Your Life: chaotic
25. Your Mood: ironic

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Gender stereotypes

1. Women can’t read maps.

2. Men don’t listen to women.

So, why do most SatNav systems come with female voice guidance?

Monday, April 10, 2006


I stole this from Åsa's blog
You can make yourslef your own you here
Happy Eastern!

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Yesterday i turned 28. Fun. For more fun I went here to find out what else happened on my birthday. Turns out the answer is: nothing, or maybe they forgot the year 1978.. hmm got to be someone famous who did something famous that day.. or..

Simon says....

... I want to leave my wife and kids for you. Because when I look in your eyes i get lost and i forget they exsist. I become a man of desire and want, and I never expected life to bring me that again. I've become a man split in three. When I go home every evening and face my wife, when she searches my eyes for the love she used to have I'm split, torn. I'm the knot in my stomach that shows me the guilt I'm feeling. It hurts, throbs when she touched me. But I'm also my heart, which I've left in your hands, open and shivering from the love you've filled it with. I do not take it with me home anymore. And I'm my head. My head filled with my history of making love to my wife, raising our children, walks after midnight and arguements. It chills me that my history is now seperated from my heart. It no longer means anything that I spent 15 years building and maintaing this love, because in days, maybe even seconds it vanished. She can see the love running out of me. She's a beautiful, intellegent women, I choose her once, so she does not panic. But I hear the cry in her throat and the feeling of life slipping away. But all I want is to hold you. When I touch you I'm eletric and the knot goes away and my head goes away. Because after all a heart is the strongest. A heart will have its will.

I look at my friend as she tells me what he said. I look at how her eyes shines and how she's filled with a love and desire she does not want to express. Putting it into words will make her love unjust, unfail, unmoral. Keeping quiet about her love keeps it pure, locked-up and safe. She does not understand the turn it all has taken. Does not understand how a man with a wife and kids, a man who is her boss, her superior can leave his heart bleeding and shivering with her. She burns for him, but she has also just recieved the ultimate love sacrifice. He will give it all, everything up for her. For her. She is worth everything. She is beautiful, intellegent and fun and I understand why anyone would fall for her. Sitting with her I seem to be understanding the force of his love more than she. She cannot understand, cause understanding means deciding, means being responsible. I can see she's all heart too. Her feelings as cut her too from her head. She cannot cry for wifes or kids, but have their fate in her hands. Her hands are getting too full.

Never has the unreal world of love crashed so hard with reality. Never have I seen the ultimate pain being caused by the same that causes ultimate love. And noone wins. Because someone looses. Maye she should just wash her hands clean of this. Walk away. And leave the family to pick up the pieces of a life that will never be the same. A life of broken hearts and lost trust.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

lazy day, new job

So I've spent my day with my feet up. Being lazy. I've sat in my sofa, I've eaten, talked on the phone and packed. Thats it. Thats all folks. But sometimes outer activites are not always a symptom of whats going on in general. On the inside I've been "shit-my-pants" nervous. because tomorrow is my first day at work. A work I really do not feel prepared for. This is it. This is the life of nine to five, steady income and getting up early. Wasn't university suppose to prepare me for this? I feel way unprepared. Most of all, I feel unprepared to get up early every day, around seven in the morning I guess. Normally I only get up at seven if I need to pee and then I crawl back under the duvet. I get physically ill by getting up early. Does that mean I have to be ill for the rest of my job-life?
I'm nervous. But everybody else does it, so I must be capable. Must find my strength, must find my strength.

I tried this - what is this?

Get your own spectral analysis from Area 23®

I stole this from Ben's Journal.
Anyone - what does it mean? Does it tell me who I am?
A book is good company. It is full of conversation without loquacity. It comes to your longing with full instruction, but pursues you never.

Henry Ward Beecher

Food for souls.

Scenario 1: I'm on my way from Santa Cruz to San Fransisco. I'm driving along the coast and with me is Kim and Lars. Kim is an American with Latino blood, high strong and with temperament and a contagious laugh. Lars is a tall, dark, handsome Dane, down to earth, and quiet until something needs to be said. Kim and Lars are lovers and we are all friends and I have never eaten oysters before. (Somehow I previously labelled them boogers instead of food, even though I'm aware some people do not separate these two categories)

On the w
ay there are plenty of shops selling seafood, and we decide to stop for a "zwischenurch" of oysters by the coast. We get a plate of five/six each. How do we eat this, I ask. With this (lemon) and this (chilli) and some of this (garlic) if you like, they say. Ah. I watch them and follow their lead. They squeeze half a lemon on to an oyster (as do I), they take a teaspoon full of chilli on the oyster (only those with previous experience with Mexican influenced food can fully understand the spiciness of putting a teaspoon full of chilli unto a mouthful of food) (as do I) and they put a pinch of garlic on the oyster (as do I)

They open wide and swallow. Sweat emerges on their foreheads and their eyes glazes over. They moan and I'm pretty sure I'm watching an out of the bedroom orgasm right there. They look at each other, smile and go for the second. I go for my first. OH, the pain, the suffering. My mouth opens automatically to air out soar feelings, my throat burns with the chilli, I fall over, moan, sweat, begging for mercy, let it stop. I scratch my tongue, my throat, I'm burning up, turning red, dying. HELP. They look at me with smiles, as if they were sharing something beautiful with me. I'M DYING HERE. I'm never eating Mexican chilli again!

enario 2: I chop carrots and leek and simmer it gently with butter and freshly grinded pepper in a pan. I add a cup of champagne ( it should have been white wine, but I have none), put the lid on and let the juices give their flavours to the vegetables. When there's almost no fluid left, I add a cup of buillion and a little salt and pepper. I let it simmer. I take five tomatoes and remove the seeds and use only the tomato shells. I add them to the mix with some basil (should have been fresh, but I only have it dry, it almost gives the same taste).
I let it simmer for five minutes, then i add pre-cooked pieces of salmon and shrimps (some people like to have these in the dish from the beginning, but I prefer to leave them till last). I add some cream and a little pepper and salt to my likings.

I cook spaghetti and serve it all to my mom. I roll my spaghetti on my spoon and enjoy. I even add some pepper. My mom chews and swallows. Opens her mouth to let the air cool her burning tongue. Its spicy she says, my throat is burning, my stomach, oh, the pain.

I'm stunned. I just added some pepper.

Hey, Einstein, here's your theory of relativism in praxis, applied to humans and food.

Love me the most when I deserve it the least, because then I need it the most

Gina and Leo are a couple of friends of mine. They're a couple and they're my friends, and in the natural order of things they should be friends too. And then again....

Leo loves Phil Collins. And he loves playing his newly bought dvd version of Phil Collins' concert in Paris loudly on his tv/stereo. Gina hates Phils Collins. And when she's sober she hates loud music in general.

Here is part if their conversation from yesterday. I heard it up close

Gina: Turn the fucking music dowm.
Leo: Sure, honey, but its not me who wants it loud, its Gary, he loves Phil Collins
Gina: But its your appartment, you decide, be a man dickhead.
Leo: Stop nagging, bitch
Gina: Did you ever stop to consider we have nice neighbourghs that we want to like us
Leo: They like us

Gina leaves the room

Leo: the queen of nasty has left the room

Gina comes back. Rubs Leo's head. He kisses her breasts.
Gina: you're a cutie aren't you
Leo: and you my little sunshine angel.
Gina and Leo rubs noses. whispers. Leo puts Gina in a chair and spins her. She laughs in delight.

We need to go.
Leo: where the fucks my ticket.
Gina: Ohhh, you¨re sooo slow. You just put it in your pocket.
Leo: Its not there
Gina: You're incapable of almost everythin
Leo: and you're capable of almost anything, bitch

We leave, they kiss. We sing. I close my ears. We enter the party.

Gina and Leo are to be married in four weeks. Last week Gina got an stomach ulcer. She's turning 28 in may.