Sunday, April 02, 2006

Love me the most when I deserve it the least, because then I need it the most

Gina and Leo are a couple of friends of mine. They're a couple and they're my friends, and in the natural order of things they should be friends too. And then again....

Leo loves Phil Collins. And he loves playing his newly bought dvd version of Phil Collins' concert in Paris loudly on his tv/stereo. Gina hates Phils Collins. And when she's sober she hates loud music in general.

Here is part if their conversation from yesterday. I heard it up close

Gina: Turn the fucking music dowm.
Leo: Sure, honey, but its not me who wants it loud, its Gary, he loves Phil Collins
Gina: But its your appartment, you decide, be a man dickhead.
Leo: Stop nagging, bitch
Gina: Did you ever stop to consider we have nice neighbourghs that we want to like us
Leo: They like us

Gina leaves the room

Leo: the queen of nasty has left the room

Gina comes back. Rubs Leo's head. He kisses her breasts.
Gina: you're a cutie aren't you
Leo: and you my little sunshine angel.
Gina and Leo rubs noses. whispers. Leo puts Gina in a chair and spins her. She laughs in delight.

We need to go.
Leo: where the fucks my ticket.
Gina: Ohhh, you¨re sooo slow. You just put it in your pocket.
Leo: Its not there
Gina: You're incapable of almost everythin
Leo: and you're capable of almost anything, bitch

We leave, they kiss. We sing. I close my ears. We enter the party.

Gina and Leo are to be married in four weeks. Last week Gina got an stomach ulcer. She's turning 28 in may.

1 comment:

Aasa said...

Ahhhh, hehe
I understand who "Gina" and "Leo" are, hehe
Love sweet love